The Atelier

The non-pro­fit orga­ni­za­ti­on Atelier José Vermeersch is hou­sed in the for­mer stu­dio of visu­al artist José Vermeersch (19221997). The stu­dio and adjoi­ning exhi­bi­ti­on spa­ce were built in Lendelede bet­ween 1962 and 1970 and desig­ned by the artist himself. Vermeersch sculp­ted, pain­ted, and pre­sen­ted his works the­re until his death in December 1997. In 2010, the stu­dio was made open to the public, beco­ming the new resi­den­ce of the non-pro­fit orga­ni­sa­ti­on Atelier José Vermeersch. Watch the col­lec­ted works and read the bio­grap­hy of José Vermeersch here.

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Atelier José Vermeersch was born out of a two­fold ambi­ti­on. On the one hand, we aim to make the work of José Vermeersch acces­si­ble by hou­sing the archi­ve in the stu­dio. Besides this, we want to orga­ni­se exhi­bi­ti­ons that high­light les­ser or unknown aspects of his work. In this way we can explo­re the las­ting rele­van­ce José Vermeersch’s oeu­vre and give the archi­ve and leg­a­cy a home in his own stu­dio com­plex. On the other hand,there will also be room for sepa­ra­te exhi­bi­ti­ons, some­ti­mes fra­med by a litera­ry, phi­lo­so­p­hi­cal or musi­cal acti­vi­ty. One to two times a year, well- and les­ser-known Belgian artists will be given a plat­form, indi­vi­du­al­ly or in groups. With the­se exhi­bi­ti­ons, Atelier José Vermeersch intends to beco­me an exci­ting mee­ting pla­ce for artists and art lovers. (Photos by unsal­ted)

Zaalzicht 1 foto Christine Devla kopie
Unsalted ateliervermeersch 22
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